List of Blog posts shared by Google Analytics
I've put together a list of my Blog posts shared by Google Analytics on social media. A big thank you to Google Analytics for all the shares!
I've put together a list of the shared posts below.
How to compare two websites in Google Data Studio
In this post I'll show you how you can compare two websites in Google Data Studio. Imagine you have two websites and are curious about how they compare with one another. Using Data Studio, you can set up a custom dashboard to see how they are both doing.
Using Google Data Studio's new Hierarchy feature to Drill Down into Regions and Cities
There's been lots of exciting new features added for Data Studio in the past few days! One of the new features launched for Data Studio include a Hierarchy feature.
Many of them have been launched at the Google Cloud Next conference in San Francisco.
How to Build a Campaign Dashboard in Google Data Studio
In today's post I give an example of how to create a Campaign Dashboard in Google Data Studio.
This is based off of Campaign data in Google Analytics.
How to build a Mobile-Friendly Google Data Studio report
In this blog post I'll show you how to build a simple but mobile-friendly Google Data Studio report.
Data Studio reports are fantastic when viewed on a large desktop screen, as you can see a lot of detail about what's happening in your data. However, the reports don't always display well on mobile devices.
Therefore it could be a good idea to create mobile versions of key dashboards, so you're able to quickly check out your data whenever you need to.
How to create a Weekly Users Dashboard in Google Data Studio
In this post I'll be showing how to build a Weekly Users dashboard in Google Data Studio.
The goal is to show how many users visit your website on any day of the week, and at what time of day they visit.
Two Methods for displaying Year on Year Channel Data in Google Data Studio
In this blog post I'm going to show you two methods for displaying year on year Google Analytics Channel data in Google Data Studio.
The Data Studio report I've created is below.
How to track Excel file downloads in Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager
In this post I'll show how to setup a tag to track Excel file downloads in Google Analytics.
The first step is to open up your Google Tag Manager container and add a New Tag.
How to compare Google Analytics Segments by blending data in Google Data Studio
In today's post I'm going to show a very simple but effective way of blending data in Google Data Studio.
Rather than blending different data sources, as I've mentioned in a previous post, we're going to be blending three different segments from the same Google Analytics account.
How to track PDF downloads using Google Tag Manager
What's the best way to track PDF downloads on your website?
I'd recommend using Google Tag Manager to create a custom event, and then tracking the event in Google Analytics.