How to map Growth in Google Analytics sessions by Country in Data Studio

Google Data Studio has always had the ability to add in a comparison column to tables, but not to map out a change in values on a map. Ideally I would want to be able to see which countries have seen the highest rates of growth over a period of time. This is a method that worked for me and hopefully it will be useful for you too!

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Comparing Cape Town and Toronto - Copy

Comparing Cape Town and Toronto

In this post I'll compare and contrast some things comparing Cape Town, South Africa with Toronto, Canada!

🇿🇦 🇨🇦

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How to use DATE_DIFF in Google Data Studio to work out Sessions per Day

How to use DATE_DIFF in Google Data Studio to work out Sessions per Day

So one thing I've wanted to do for a while is to determine how many sessions each blog post has had since they were published. Since the URLs of my blog posts contain the date they were published, I tried to work this out using regex and some other methods. It got a bit messy and wasn't very accurate.

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Change Bubble Size and Colour in a Google Data Studio Map using Parameters

Change Bubble Size and Colour in a Google Data Studio Map using Parameters

In this post I'll show how you can change Bubble Size and Colour in a Google Map in a Data Studio report. This method using two parameters to let you switch between which metrics are displayed on the map.

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How to combine data from two BigQuery public datasets using SQL

How to combine data from two BigQuery public datasets using SQL

So in this blog post I'll show how you can combine data from two BigQuery public datasets using SQL and to visualize the data in Data Studio.

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Mapping Canadian Provinces and US States in Google Data Studio

Mapping Canadian Provinces and US States in Google Data Studio

So something I've been interested in doing for a while is mapping Canadian provinces and US states in Google Data Studio. New features added to Google Data Studio have allowed me to do that and I'll give you a quick overview of how you can build something similar in Data Studio.

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How to change Google Map metrics using a Parameter in Data Studio

How to change Google Map metrics using a Parameter in Data Studio

In this post I'll show you a method for how to change Google Map metrics using a Parameter in Google Data Studio.

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Use Parameters to change Column Dimensions in Google Data Studio

Use Parameters to change Column Dimensions in Google Data Studio

In this post I'll show a method for using Parameters to change Column Dimensions in Data Studio.

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How to switch Google Map dimensions using a Parameter in Data Studio

How to switch Google Map dimensions using a Parameter in Data Studio

So in this post I'll share a method for switching Google Map dimensions using a Parameter in Google Data Studio. Parameters were recently introduced in Data Studio and have many use cases!

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Two methods for Mapping Google Analytics City data in Google Data Studio

Two methods for Mapping Google Analytics City data in Google Data Studio

In this post I'll just show two methods for mapping Google Analytics city data in Google Data Studio.

Recently Data Studio added Filled Area Google Maps which allow you to view city data by area instead of bubbles.

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