Looking at the X-Men franchise in Google Data Studio

Looking at the X-Men franchise in Google Data Studio

The film Dark Phoenix was recently released to mediocre reviews and dismal earnings at the box office. It's release, and subsequent failure to capture the imaginations of audiences or critics, most likely spells the end for the X-Men franchise under 20th Century Fox.

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A Data Studio of Ice and Fire

A Data Studio of Ice and Fire

Since we're in the final stretch of Game of Thrones, I thought I'd find a dataset and have a play around in Google Data Studio.

I found some good episode data on Kaggle, so used that for the second page of the report.

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Creating an Avengers Dashboard in Google Data Studio: Part 2

If you liked my previous post about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I hope you'll enjoy this follow-up blog post!

In this post I've put together some charts in Data Studio looking at the critical ratings and box office gross of the Avengers franchise and other Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.

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Creating an Avengers Dashboard in Data Studio Part 1

Creating an Avengers Dashboard in Google Data Studio: Part 1

Since Avengers: Endgame is almost upon us, I thought why not look back at the previous Marvel Cinematic Universe movies using Google Data Studio.

Since 2008, Marvel has released 21 films featuring their iconic superhero characters. I thought that for the first dashboard, I'd take a look at each film individually.

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The Alien Franchise in Google Data Studio

Embedded Content Example: The Alien Franchise in Google Data Studio

In this post I wanted to give an example of how you can use embedded content to complement a Google Data Studio report.

In this case I've chosen to focus on the Alien Film Franchise, because why not?

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