Testing out ChatGPT Code Interpreter
I just wanted to document my first interactions with ChatGPT's new Code Interpreter.
How to combine data from two BigQuery public datasets using SQL
So in this blog post I'll show how you can combine data from two BigQuery public datasets using SQL and to visualize the data in Data Studio.
Visualizing Data showing Police Brutality by Country
So in the past week Police Brutality has been a major issue in Canada, South Africa and the United States. I thought that some might find it useful to see a data visualization showing Police Brutality by Country.
Compare Countries using World Development Indicators in Google Data Studio
So in this post I'll share a dashboard I made that allows you to compare countries using World Development Indicators from the World Bank.
Comparing COVID-19 cases in the United States and Europe
In this dashboard I wanted to show the differences between the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States and Europe. Thanks to Johnny Miller from Unequal Scenes for the suggestion to take a look at the data.
Build a Google Data Studio report using BigQuery Public Data-Sets
In this post I'll show you how to build a dashboard using one of the many Public data-sets available to users in BigQuery.