Measure Video Views on a page in Google Data Studio

In this post I’ll show you how to measure video views on your website using Google Data Studio.

It’s worth mentioning from the start that before we can measure the views in Google Analytics and then display this data in Google Data Studio, we need to add the YouTube video tracking in Google Tag Manager.

First up, the videos!

The Videos we want to Measure

And now for the Data Studio report!

The Video Views Data Studio Report

How to set up YouTube video tracking in Google Tag Manager

For this step you’ll need to read a previous blog post about how to track YouTube video views using Google Tag Manager.

It’s important to note that in order to replicate the Data Studio report in this post, you need to make sure you’re tracking the percentage of the video that’s been played. Therefore your tag should look like the one below.

YouTube video percentages in Google Tag Manager

This will mean that the percentages will appear in Google Analytics as Event Actions, as shown below.

Video Event actions in Google Analytics

Creating the main chart in the Data Studio report

The main chart report is set up as the following;

Dimension = Event Label
Breakdown Dimension = Event Action
Metric = Total Events

There we see how many times people watched a video for a certain percentage of the video. In the example above, we see that for the third video there were four views that reached 25%, three views that reached 50%, two views that reached 75% and only one that reached 100%.

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