See what Days of the Week people visit your site using Google Data Studio
Ever wondered what day of the week people are visiting your site? This report I created using Google Data Studio lets us know that.
In this post I’ll show you how to create a report letting you see what Days of the Week people are visiting your website.
Creating the various Charts in the Days of the Week report
So to make this report there are two main Google Analytics Time Dimensions we will be using;
Week of the year
Day of week
These will allow us to customize our report to show information by week and by the day of the week.
The first chart shows each week of the the year within the date range, and the sum of sessions in that week. We can create this chart by setting it up with the following dimensions and metrics;
Dimension = Week of the year
Metric = Sessions

The next chart gives some context to the Week chart by showing us the date range as a time series chart.
Dimension = Date
Metric = Sessions

You can then filter by Week of the Year in the top chart, and be able to see the exact dates in the bottom chart, as shown below.

Another chart I’ve added is one that shows you the percentage of total traffic that comes to the site from the specific day of the week.
Dimension = Day of the Week
Metric = Sessions (Percent of total – Relative to corresponding data)

Next up is a simple pie chart that shows a breakdown by default channel grouping.
Dimension = Default Channel Grouping
Metric = Sessions

Below is a chart that shows the daily traffic, broken down by the Week of the year.
Dimension = Day of the week
Breakdown dimension = Week of the year
Metric = Sessions

Below is a chart showing the breakdown of different channels by day of the week.
Dimension = Day of the week
Breakdown dimension = Default Channel Grouping
Metric = Sessions

Below we have a Pivot table. This is probably the most interesting component of the dashboard as it shows the history for each day over the previous weeks. So we can see how our current week compares to previous weeks.
Row Dimension = Week of the year
Column Dimension = Day of the week
Metric = Sessions

And the final two tables are created in the same way.
I’ll give an example of the left bottom table, which shows how many sessions each page has received.
Dimension = Page Title
Metrics = Sessions, Sessions (Percent of total – Relative to corresponding data)

Hope you enjoyed reading about this dashboard!
Hope you enjoyed reading about this dashboard!
FYI – the colour scheme I tried to copy from the cover of New Order’s Blue Monday!
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