1960s Dune movie (ChatGPT & Midjourney)

So I decided to see which actors ChatGPT would cast in a hypothetical Dune movie made in 1969! I then used Midjourney to depict the actors as the various characters in the movie made in the 1960s. You can watch a video of the images or scroll down and view them below. Enjoy!

I asked ChatGPT the following to come up with a cast list for a Dune movie made in 1969. Below is the response.

ChatGPT casting for a Dune adaptation made in 1969

Sure, here’s a hypothetical casting list for a 1969 Hollywood adaptation of “Dune”:

  1. Paul Atreides: The protagonist of the novel, a young man who comes into his own power and destiny in the harsh world of Dune. A young and rising actor like Leonard Whiting, who had just portrayed Romeo in Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet,” could be a good fit for the role.
  2. Lady Jessica: Paul’s mother, a member of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood. An actress like Vanessa Redgrave, with her intensity and depth, could play this role well.
  3. Duke Leto Atreides: Paul’s father, a noble and well-loved leader. Gregory Peck, known for his strong and principled characters, would be a good fit.
  4. Thufir Hawat: The Atreides family’s Mentat, or human computer, and master of assassins. Richard Burton, with his gravitas, would be suitable for this role.
  5. Gurney Halleck: A loyal Atreides soldier and Paul’s mentor. Sean Connery, who had recently finished his stint as James Bond, could provide the necessary charm and physicality.
  6. Duncan Idaho: Another loyal Atreides soldier and Paul’s mentor. A young Harrison Ford, who was just starting his career, could bring an adventurous spirit to the role.
  7. Chani: A Fremen woman and Paul’s love interest. A young Ali MacGraw, who had just starred in “Goodbye, Columbus,” could provide the necessary combination of strength and sensitivity.
  8. Stilgar: The leader of the Fremen, the native people of Dune. Yul Brynner, known for his roles in epic films like “The Ten Commandments” and “The Magnificent Seven,” could bring a sense of authority and authenticity to the role.
  9. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen: The main antagonist, a cruel and cunning man. Orson Welles, known for his larger-than-life persona and dramatic weight, could bring the Baron to life.
  10. Glossu Rabban: The brutal nephew of Baron Harkonnen, known as “The Beast Rabban.” An actor like Oliver Reed, known for his rough-and-tumble roles, would be suitable.
  11. Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen: The Baron’s favored nephew, a dangerous and ambitious young man. A young Malcolm McDowell, fresh from “If….” and before “A Clockwork Orange,” could bring the necessary intensity to the role.
  12. Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam: A powerful Bene Gesserit witch and Paul’s adversary. Katherine Hepburn, with her ability to portray strong, complex women, would be an excellent choice.
  13. Emperor Shaddam IV: The emperor of the known universe who schemes and manipulates behind the scenes. A distinguished actor like Laurence Olivier could bring gravitas to the role.
  14. Princess Irulan: The daughter of the emperor, who becomes involved in the political machinations surrounding Paul. Mia Farrow, with her ethereal beauty and expressive eyes, could portray the princess well.

Please remember that this is a hypothetical scenario, and the real 1969 film industry might have chosen completely different actors based on a variety of factors, such as scheduling conflicts, budget considerations, and the director’s vision.

Midjourney Images of Dune made in 1969

An ornithopter on Arrakis in hypothetical Dune movie made in 1960s.

Above: An ornithopter from Dune

 Leonard Whiting as Paul Atreides in hypothetical 1969 film adaptation of Dune.

Above: Leonard Whiting as Paul Atreides in hypothetical 1969 film adaptation of Dune.

Castle Caladan 1960s movie

Above: Castle Caladan

Gregory Peck as Duke Leto Atreides and Vanessa Redgrave as Lady Jessica.

Above: Gregory Peck as Duke Leto Atreides and Vanessa Redgrave as Lady Jessica.

Atreides ship on Caladan.

Above: Atreides ship on Caladan.

Richard Burton as Mentat Thufir Hawat in imagined 1960s Dune movie. Midjourney image.

Above: Richard Burton as Mentat Thufir Hawat in imagined 1960s Dune movie.

A Heighliner spacecraft. Dune movie 1960s.

Above: A Heighliner spacecraft.

Sean Connery as Gurney Hallack in 1969 version of Dune.

Above: Sean Connery as Gurney Hallack in 1969 version of Dune.

A Spice Harvester on Arrakis.

Above: A Spice Harvester on the desert planet Arrakis.

Harrison Ford as Duncan Idaho.

Above: A young Harrison Ford as Duncan Idaho.

Above: Fremen people on Arrakis.

 A young Ali MacGraw as Chani, a Fremen woman and Paul's love interest.

Above: A young Ali MacGraw as Chani, a Fremen woman and Paul’s love interest.

People living on the planet Arrakis.

Above: People living on the planet Arrakis.

Above: Yul Brynner as Stilgar, the leader of the Fremen, the native people of Dune.

Above: Yul Brynner as Stilgar, the leader of the Fremen, the native people of Dune.

Industrial landscape of Harkonnen homeworld of Geidi Prime. AI art. Midjourney.

Above: Industrial landscape of Harkonnen homeworld of Giedi Prime.

 Orson Welles as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.

Above: Orson Welles as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.

Above: Giedi Prime at night.

Oliver Reed cast as Glossu Rabban, The brutal nephew of Baron Harkonnen.

Above: Oliver Reed cast as Glossu Rabban, The brutal nephew of Baron Harkonnen.

Harkonnen soldiers in Dune movie.

Above: Harkonnen soldiers in Dune movie.

A young Malcolm McDowell cast as Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen

Above: A young Malcolm McDowell cast as Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen.

Bene Gesserit witches in fictional 1960s Dune adaptation. Midjourney AI

Above: Bene Gesserit witches.

 Katherine Hepburn as Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, a powerful Bene Gesserit witch .

Above: Katherine Hepburn as Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, a powerful Bene Gesserit witch.

Imperial Palace on Kaitain. Dune movie.

Above: Imperial Palace on Kaitain.

 Laurence Olivier as the Emperor Shaddam IV. Dune midjourney.

Above: Laurence Olivier as the Emperor Shaddam IV.

Sardaukar soldiers standing on Arrakis. 1960s Dune AI midjourney

Above: Sardaukar soldiers standing on Arrakis.

Mia Farrow as Princess Irulan, the daughter of the emperor. Dune movie.

Above: Mia Farrow as Princess Irulan, the daughter of the emperor.

a sandworm from a 1960s Dune movie

Above: A giant Sandworm from Dune movie.

1960s Dune movie ChatGPT Midjourney

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