Google Data Studio Template: Google Analytics Goal Conversion Dashboard

So in this post I’d just like to share a Google Analytics Goal Conversion Dashboard that is available for download as a Google Data Studio template.

But let’s take a look at the actual Dashboard.

Google Analytics Goal Conversion Dashboard

Here is the Google Analytics Goal Conversion dashboard in Google Data Studio.

Purchase this Data Studio Template

Here’s the link to purchase the template at the Data Studio Templates website.


Components of the Goal Conversion Dashboard

So I’ll run through some of the features of this dashboard. The first one is a Google Map showing the locations of each of the Goal Completions on your site.

The Google Maps showings Goal Completions and Sessions

Below is the Google Map showing the location of each goal completion worldwide.

A google map showing goal completions by location in the united states and canada

This is made using a calculated field to avoid confusion over place names. For example we don’t want the map to get confused between Paris, Texas and Paris, France.

Here is the formula for the calculated field.

CONCAT((Town/City),”, “,Region,”, “, Country)

This makes sure every location on the map is unique.

a formula in google data studio CONCAT((Town/City),", ",Region,", ", Country)

There is a second Google Map that shows the location of each session that has occured on the website.

a map showing the number of sessions worldwide as part of a Google Analytics Goal Conversion Dashboard

So one thing to note about Google Maps in Google Data Studio is that if you use place names (Address, City, Country etc) for your location bubbles you are limited to 1000 unique places on the map.

Therefore we if want to take full advantage of the level of detail available in the map we want to increase the number of bubbles to the full limit of 10,000 as shown below.

adjusting the number of bubbles visible in a google map in google data studio in the Google Analytics Goal Conversion Dashboard

To do this I’ve chosen the Bubble Location field to be ‘Latitude, Longitude’ and the Tooltip field to be the calculated field of ‘City, Region, Country’.

Therefore we can have over 1000 locations on the map but still have a nice, easy to read tooltip showing the name of the city or town, the state, province or region and the country.

using latitude and longitude on a google map in google data studio to show google analytics data

The Chart showing the Goal Completion Rate using a Reference Line to compare it to the average

So one more component of the Google Analytics Goal Conversion dashboard I wanted to show you was a time series chart that shows the daily Goal Conversion rate and a Reference Line comparing it to the average Goal Conversion rate during the selected time period.

As we can see in the tooltip highlighted below the Goal Conversion Rate on 23 June was 0.52% and the average for the past two weeks has been 0.41%.

a goal conversion rate chart with a reference line in the Google Analytics Goal Conversion Dashboard

I won’t go into too much detail about the other components of the dashboard, but hopefully it is something useful for you.

Download Google Data Studio Templates

If you’d like to download one of my Google Data Studio reports as a template to use for your own data, you can visit Data Studio Templates and purchase one.

Google Data Studio Templates

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Michael Howe-Ely