Show Personality Quiz results using a Radar Chart in Google Data Studio
In this post I’ll show you how to Show Personality Quiz results using a Radar Chart in Google Data Studio.
Step 1: Fill in this Personality Quiz
So the first thing you should do is fill in this Personality Quiz made using Google Forms.
Step 2: Adding the Quiz responses as a Data Source
You need to connect your Google Form responses to appear in Google Sheets. In sheets we can see all the individual survey responses, as shown below.
Create a new Data Studio report and then add the Google Sheet containing the form responses as your data source.
So to make sure each Timestamp displays correct, you need to make sure the Date format is changed to Date Hour Minute (YYYYMMDDhhmm).
This will try ensure that each unique response is displayed as a unique record in the data source.
The next thing we need to do with our Data Source is to make sure that Community Visualizations are enabled. This is required to add the radar chart. If we do not enable community visualizations for our report then when we try and add one we will see the following error message shown below.
In in your data source make sure to set Community Visualization access to ‘On’.
Step 3: Adding the Radar Chart community visualization to Google Data Studio
The Radar Chart is a great Community Visualization created by Click Insight. It is one of many great custom made partner visualizations I’d encourage you to explore.
When we initially add the radar chart to our report it looks very different from what we want it to look, as shown below.
Since our Timestamp is the only dimension in our data source, we need to adjust it slightly. There will be far too many timestamps for the visualization to make sense. What we want to show is the average value for each of the five questions.
The first thing we do is change the Date Granularity of the Timestamp to ‘Year’ as displayed in the image below.
We also need to add in each of the five questions and change the Aggregation from SUM to Average. Now each of the five points of our pentagon displays the average value of the responses for that question.
Now we have something closer to what we’d want to see from our radar chart.
Warning: Issues with displaying Community Visualizations in Embedded Reports
I’m gutted to inform you, dear reader, that at the time of writing it is not possible to display community visualizations in embedded reports.
According to the site “In order to protect your data, community visualisations can’t be displayed in embedded reports outside of the domain.”
Therefore I’ve added a screenshot below of what the Radar Chart should look like in all it’s glory.
You will need to click the logo in the bottom right corner to open the report in Data Studio to see the Radar Chart in all it’s glory.
Finally, the finished report in Google Data Studio
Below is the live report which you can view in Google Data Studio to see all the data. Also there’s a table with some data! You can click on any of the timestamps to filter the results so that the radar chart displays that time stamp’s results.
I hope you found this blog post useful and interesting!
Download Google Data Studio Templates
If you’d like to download one of my Google Data Studio reports as a template to use for your own data, you can visit Data Studio Templates and purchase one.
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