How to build a Page Engagement dashboard in Google Data Studio
I made this page engagement dashboard a while back, and thought I’d share it. It’s based on Google Analytics data and aims to give you an overview as well as a breakdown of how your pages are performing.
Below is the dashboard itself. It’s unfortunately not very mobile-friendly and best viewed on a desktop.
A breakdown of the different charts in the page engagement dashboard
This time series chart just shows page views over time.
Dimensions: Date
Metrics: Page Views

This table with a heatmap shows each page title and a variety of metrics for each page.
Dimensions: Page Title
Metrics: Page Views, Users, Avg. Time on Page, Bounce Rate, % Exit, Total Events

This time series chart just shows the Bounce Rate over time.
Dimensions: Date
Metrics: Bounce Rate

This table below with shows each Device Category and a variety of metrics for each type of device (desktop, mobile or tablet).
Dimensions: Device Category
Metrics: Page Views, Users, Avg. Time on Page, Bounce Rate, % Exit, Total Events

The time series chart below displays Page Views over time broken down into the default Channel Grouping.
Dimension: Date
Breakdown Dimension: Default Channel Grouping
Metrics: Page Views

The table below with shows each Default Channel Grouping and a variety of metrics for each Channel.
Dimensions: Default Channel Grouping
Metrics: Page Views, Users, Avg. Time on Page, Bounce Rate, % Exit, Total Events

The time series chart below displays Total Events over time.
Dimension: Date
Metrics: Total Events

The table below displays the different types of events occurring on your website.
Dimensions: Event Category, Event Action, Event Label
Metrics: Total Events

And put them together with a few extra touches and viola; you have a dashboard you can use to monitor how users are interacting with your website and its pages!

I hope you enjoyed this post about how to make this dashboard in Google Data Studio.
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This was awesome, super helpful.
Thanks Guy! Glad you found it helpful 🙂
HI Michael,
Thank you for this. Very useful for a beginner like myself.
I have a couple of questions about this:-
My metric set is missing some key metric such as vg. Time on Page, Bounce Rate, % Exit. My website was built using Google site.
I am also using Google Analytics to monitor the website engagement, but I can’t even customize the snapshot report. “Internal error please come again” message keep appearing.
I kind of have a feeling that I am missing something in the website configuration that affecting the website analytics.
Any suggestion to overcome this is much appreciated.