ChatGPT-4 made this game!
I asked ChatGPT-4 to make a game similar to the famous “Dinosaur Game” that you can play in Google Chrome.
Below is the game! Use the W key to make the square jump over the rapidly approaching green blocks!
How GPT-4 made the game
I what quite a lengthy and involved process to create the game. Below is part of the conversation I had with ChatGPT to try and get the game to work correctly on my site.

This is how the “chat” began:

After many different attempts, it managed to get it right!
Below is the code for the game, created within seconds by GPT-4.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var dinoWidth = 50;
var dinoHeight = 50;
var dinoX = 50;
var dinoY = canvas.height - dinoHeight;
var dinoSpeedY = 0;
var jumping = false;
var gravity = 0.5;
var cactusWidth = 25;
var cactusHeight = 50;
var cactusX = canvas.width;
var cactusY = canvas.height - cactusHeight;
var gameSpeed = 4;
function jump() {
if (!jumping) {
dinoSpeedY = -12;
jumping = true;
function resetGame() {
dinoY = canvas.height - dinoHeight;
jumping = false;
dinoSpeedY = 0;
cactusX = canvas.width;
function gameLoop() {
dinoSpeedY += gravity;
dinoY += dinoSpeedY;
if (dinoY > canvas.height - dinoHeight) {
dinoY = canvas.height - dinoHeight;
jumping = false;
dinoSpeedY = 0;
cactusX -= gameSpeed;
if (cactusX + cactusWidth < 0) {
cactusX = canvas.width;
if (dinoX + dinoWidth > cactusX && dinoX < cactusX + cactusWidth && dinoY + dinoHeight > cactusY) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillRect(dinoX, dinoY, dinoWidth, dinoHeight);
ctx.fillStyle = 'green';
ctx.fillRect(cactusX, cactusY, cactusWidth, cactusHeight);
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if (e.code === 'KeyW') {
Chat GPT-4 also knew a variety of WordPress plugins to use, in order to get around issues where the code conflicted with WordPress.

Also I was wondering which was the correct way to write ChatGPT-4. So I asked it. I had previously used GPT-4 to

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