How to make a simple Ecommerce dashboard in Google Data Studio
In this post I’ll show you how to make a simple Ecommerce dashboard in Google Data Studio. This report gives you a quick overview of how your online store is performing.
Below is the Data Studio report, and below I’ll show you how each of the charts is created.
Creating the various charts in the Ecommerce dashboard
I’ll run through the various charts and tables and show you how they are constructed.
The dashboard is based on Enhanced Ecommerce dimensions and metrics from the Google Analytics Merchandise store demo account.
The scorecards
At the top of the report are two scorecards. The first shows the total amount of Product Revenue and the other shows the total Quantity of good sold. They’re simply scorecards that compare data to the previous period, to show whether revenue or quantity have increased or decreased.
The Product Revenue time series
The next chart shows the amount of product revenue and quantity of purchases over time. You can switch between the two metrics by using the Optional Metrics selector just above the chart, as shown below.
Our data is setup as shown below, with Product Revenue as our default metric and Quantity as our optional metric.
The Product table
The next item on our dashboard is a table showing the Product Revenue and Quantity of each Product.
It’s a Table with a Heatmap that has Product Revenue and Quantity as its two metrics. There are also comparison columns showing the performance relative to the previous time period.
The Country and City table
The next table shows the location of the revenue and quantity of product purchases. It is a table with a Drill Down function that lets you look at the Country and City of purchases.
To get a drill down feature, we add in our two dimensions and turn on ‘Drill down’ with the ‘Default drill down level’ being Country.
The Channel, Source, Medium table
The next table shows the gives a breakdown of the default channel grouping, and drills down into Source, Medium and Source / Medium.
It’s setup the same ways as the previous table. The dimensions this time are Default Channel Grouping, Source, Medium and Source / Medium.
I hope you found this guide helpful!
Download Google Data Studio Templates
If you’d like to download one of my Google Data Studio reports as a template to use for your own data, you can visit Data Studio Templates and purchase one.
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