How to make a Top Content report in Google Data Studio

In this post I’ll show you how to make a top content report in Google Data Studio. This report shows you how the top pages on your site perform, based on your choice of sessions, users, page views, bounce rate or average time on page.

Below is the report itself in Data Studio, and below I’ll show you how the various charts are created.

Making the various charts in the Top Content report

We are basing this report off of Google Analytics data which we’ve already added to our report.

The first chart is the scorecard. This is set to show sessions by default but can show a variety of other metrics. We add these metrics under Optional Metrics.

Added a scorecard with multiple optional metrics in google data studio

The next chart is a bar chart that shows the break down of various metrics by Default Channel Grouping. I’ve chosen sessions to be the default metric.

Added a chart showing channel groupings with multiple optional metrics in google data studio

Another chart on our list is a time series showing the number of metrics by date. By default the metric is set as sessions but you can adjust this to one of the other optional metrics.

Added a time series chart with multiple optional metrics in google data studio

Below is perhaps the most important chart. It’s a table showing our pages by sessions.

Added a table to show top content with multiple optional metrics in google data studio

However, we have customized this table so that we can switch between Page Title and Page.

We can also add or remove the metrics that we want, as shown below when we switch from Page Title to Page and then choose to view Page Views, Bounce Rate and Avg. Time on Page instead of Sessions.

a table in our  top content report showing page views bounce rate and avg time on page

Being able to switch between different metrics gives us much more versatility when using our report. If we want to only look at the number of page views for a page we can do that, or compare page views to users or any other metric we want.

I hope you found this article about how to make the various chart for a Top Content report segments helpful.

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I’m Michael

I’m a South African digital analyst living in Toronto, Canada. I blog about digital marketing, web analytics and data visualization.

Get in touch with me!

Michael Howe-Ely