How to display Google Form results in Data Studio
In this post I’ll show you how to display Google Form results in Data Studio.
Google Forms are very useful for informal market research, gathering opinions on social media and deciding where to go for the office Christmas party!
Displaying Google Form results in Google Data Studio is relatively straightforward, and allows you to choose to display the data however you want. In this post I’ll give you an example of how to do it.
Below is a Google Form. Please fill it in!
Once you’ve submitted your responses they are sent to a Google Sheet.
Below is the Data Studio report which is connected to that Google Sheet.
How to display Google Form results in Data Studio
To connect our Google Form to Google Data Studio is relatively straightforward.
In Google Forms, go to the Response tab (as shown below).
Then click to view responses in Google Sheets.
It will then give you the option of creating a new sheet, or using an existing one.
We can create a new spreadsheet, and the responses will be added to it, as shown below.
To display these responses in Google Data Studio, we need to create a new Data Studio report.
Once we have done that we need to add the sheet as a data source.
We now have our responses in the sheet as a data source.
And then we can create a report showing the results however we want.
So that’s a very brief example of how you can display Google Form responses in Google Data Studio.
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Download Google Data Studio Templates
If you’d like to download one of my Google Data Studio reports as a template to use for your own data, you can visit Data Studio Templates and purchase one.
hi michael. i made your steps that you showed but i couldn’t make it happen.
i have a google forms poll. and the responses of that pool.
i just want to show my submitters to results on my wordpress site as an embed of google data studio.
but i just couldn’t, and this is so sad.
can you help me, please?
Is your issue that you can’t embed your data studio report? Did you successfully get the google form results into data studio?
I am unable to split Timestamp into two different field – Date and Time. Though Google form captures time as well as date. Please reply
Hi how are you trying to split up the Timestamp?
Are you using SPLIT function in Google Sheets?
all the steps make sense. the problem is how to display the report in studio.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for you post. I have a question about refreshing the data. I wanted to make an ‘interactive dashboard’ in data studio where users can enter data and see the result. So next to my graphs and tables, I added text (“enter your data”) with a hyperlink. This hyperlink directs the user to a Google Form, where he/she can enter data. This data is then stored in the sheet, which is the data source for the data studio dashboard. By creating this loop, I hoped that a user could look at the data, enter his own data in the form, and then see his/her own results directly in the dashboard. Everything is set to work, but because of data studio’s 15min refresh time, the user has to wait 15min to see his/her results. This defeats the whole purpose of making the dashboard interactive. Data Studio can’t refresh more frequently than 15min. Any ideas how I can solve this?
Hi Maarten. I’ve just noticed this. Thanks for pointing this out.
This may be a new feature. Will see if there’s any way around it… quite frustrating.
Hola. Me resulta actualizando de manera manual.