COVID-19 by Region of the World

COVID-19 cases by Region of the World

I wanted to build another Coronavirus dashboard in Google Data Studio, this time looking at the number of COVID-19 cases by region of the world.

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Looking at Coronavirus COVID-19 cases in Africa

Looking at Coronavirus COVID-19 cases in Africa

I wanted to build a dashboard to look specifically and the number of COVID-19 cases in Africa and how it is affecting different countries.

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Comparing COVID-19 cases in the US and Europe

Comparing COVID-19 cases in the United States and Europe

In this dashboard I wanted to show the differences between the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States and Europe. Thanks to Johnny Miller from Unequal Scenes for the suggestion to take a look at the data.

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A COVID-19 dashboard in Google Data Studio

A COVID-19 dashboard in Google Data Studio

In this post I will be sharing a dashboard I made focused on COVID-19 cases worldwide.

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